Jul 5, 2010

The Journey

The stage is set, I thought. I am surely going to get my story now. Story for my novel you see.. The one I have been planning to write for a very long time.
I could have got it printed and it would have become a best seller by now.... But, there was a small hitch, the best seller novel needs a story!!!!!
So, now was my opportunity!

Our return ticket from Gaya to Delhi was a wait list ticket and as per the new railway policy, the A/C tickets automatically get cancelled, if they are still not confirmed when the reservation charts are prepared. This is what happened with us too.
So, we worked on plan B to book a flight ticket from Patna to Delhi for next day. It was not advisable to leave for Patna immediately as it would not be very safe to reach Patna in the night! Here we were in for another surprise. The cost of flight ticket was unthinkable. I am still under shock because of it!
Now, the only option we had was to take a general compartment ticket and enter a train which would leave Gaya post mid-night!
Well, we could have done the same with 'our' train, but didn't, because 'our' train is a very popular train between Gaya & Delhi & any attempt to board the unreserved compartment of that train by 'amateurs' like us might have resulted in broken arms or legs or worse, broken neck.

So, here we were, that is me & Dad at 01.30 hrs to board the train Neelanchal Express, which was expected to enter Gaya at 02.05 hrs. I was waiting for the train with enthusiasm and high hopes. Well, I have travelled ticket less at few occasions, as a student and during the early stage in my career. So the excitement was not due to anticipated unknown adventure. The excitement was, well you got it, it was the story! I could finally smell a story for my novel.

We figured that we may find some place to at least sit if we manage to get in the sleeper class instead of unreserved. So, we located the ticket checker and explained our problem. The T.C told us that he would 'allow' us to board the sleeper class if we promise to give him Rs 400/- per head. He said he would take the money in the train from us. So, feeling a bit confident we waited for the train to arrive.

Suddenly, there was a mad rush & everybody was running as if their life was in danger! We joined the rush too and lunged towards the first available sleeper class bogie. We soon found ourself inside the bogie with many more and few more who were already in the compartment from earlier stations. I am talking about the ones who, like us, had boarded the train without confirmed reservation.
We realised that in the whole process I have actually landed up right next to the door of the toilet (I have been contemplating whether to call it bathroom or washroom or restroom, but I think toilet is more appropriate. I was actually planning to call it Laterine, because that is what was printed on the toilet doors. But, I couldn't make myself do that. So, toilet it is).
Dad, thankfully got pushed inside the compartment and got a bit of a place to sit on one of the side berths.
So here I was sitting on my suitcase next to a stinking toilet. I don't know what was worse, the smell or sitting on the suitcase. I think sitting on suitcase was worse, because one tends to get used to the smell around after a while but my butt hurt for few days after the journey got over! Ouch! Anyways, the physical discomfort was expected and made peace with before we decided to take this journey.

Once, the train started moving, I looked around with hope to find that corner of the thread from where I can start weaving my story! Most of the faces around me were sleepy or already sleeping. I consoled myself that in the morning I shall get my story & started waiting patiently for the day to break and for people to wake up.
With morning, another problem came dancing along. Everyone in the compartment wanted to use the toilet. Hence, I had to get up every time anyone managed to reach the toilet doors. Yes, managed. There were people everywhere, near the entrance, next to the toilet, in the middle of the berths, everywhere!
But, my dream to find a story in the moving train came crashing down soon. There was nothing interesting to write about. I mean there were many interesting characters but no story! Sigh! So much for my excitement!
Then another brilliant brainwave, I could make a mental note of all the people around me, characters you see, story needs character. So, one fine day when I may, no, when I would manage to get a story, these characters may help add spice to the novel! I know, I am brilliant.

So, here are some of the interesting characters I saw around me on that journey which kept me entertained and amused. Some were repulsive too. But that's the way life is, good and bad go hand in hand!
There is no specific order of appearance of the characters, I am just listing them in any random order!

Character 1: Actually there are two, A couple. A newly wed couple whom I had nicked named CSC, meaning Crotch Scratching Couple. The lady was sitting right in front of me on her trunk. She was travelling to Delhi for the first time and was accompanied by her husband of few months. I noticed them because of their scratching tendency. When I saw both of them scratching themselves, my thought was, seems like they have managed to pass STD to each other. Sigh!
Character 2: The dude: Like us, I believe, this dude also could not get a confirmed reservation and had to travel with unreserved ticket. Now, imagine a guy in Levi Jeans, woodland shoes, a branded suitcase, Reebok sling bag, spiked hair, branded T-shirt (forgot which brand), gold plated watch, standing near the toilet, next to a guy wearing a worn out kurta pajama & possibly stinking. Suddenly walks in another lad, visibly not from an privileged background but wearing a t-shirt which looked exactly like the one worn by the dude! Both the dude & the lad are taken aback to see the other. The lad slowly made his way and stood next to the dude making the 'similarity' even more evident. Every person who crossed them did notice the 'similarity' with an amused look. Suddenly, the dude seem to have had enough of all this and he collected his luggage and vanished into another bogie.
Character 3: A brother sister duo. They entered the train sometime in the night and they had confirmed reservation. So, they made the people sitting/sleeping on their berth to move and took charge of their berths. Both kept sleeping through the journey, for about 18 hours. Didn't their back hurt, I wondered. But this brings me to the next one.
Character 4: A couple again. Ahem, not a couple actually. They were three of them. A middle age couple along with a younger looking man. Now, the lady and the younger looking man sat on the berth of the lady mentioned in Character 3. She had allowed them to sit there for a short while but the continued to sit there till the train reached Delhi. Well, now the interesting part. There was 'something' going on between the lady and the younger looking man. How do I know. Well, no man will open his sandal and run his foot over the foot of another lady until unless 'something' is going on between them. This happened quite a few times. Including the younger looking man 'discreetly' running his hand over the lady many times. I could see it, I am sure few more would have noticed it but, not the husband. Amazed I am.
Character 5: Now this is an interesting one. As soon as he entered the train, he managed to get into an argument with another 'unreserved ticket' passenger! Poor guy was not getting space to stand also. So, I moved my suitcase a bit and asked him to stand in whatever place that got created. A few hours later at one of the stations many people got down (many boarded too). So, I thought to do a survey of my compartment to see if I could find a better place for Dad. Earlier, the man had moved in too. So, as soon as he saw me looking for a seat, he immediately asked me to send dad there as he has found a place for him. My gratitude.
Character 6: Another couple. They got up just before noon and by that time the situation near the toilet was really bad so I had no option put to stand. The lady saw me struggling so she asked me to come and sit on her berth. She was on the top berth. I was thankful to her and for the first time managed to rest my back. We got talking and I realised that the couple were coming to Delhi to shop at Lajpat Nagar. I asked her twice because I couldnot believe that someone, in peak summer would travel in non-A/C to just do some random shopping!
Character 7: This was the funniest incident. Once I got some place to sit on the berth, I could now see the other passengers in the near vicinity. Nothing great to note. Just that a couple with two kids were travelling and the lady was sleeping/lying on the lower berth & her husband on the middle. The kids were playing between the two berths. Now, the father dosed off and the younger kid came up to talk to his father. He tried to wake him up but invain. So, the kid got angry and punched the father hard between his legs. The poor father got up startled. By the looks of it, guess it didn't hurt much. After about an hour the father dosed off again and at that time the kid came up again. This time, instead of punching, he bit his father between his leg. I am sure it must have hurt bad, because the father jumped up and his head hit the top berth and he scolded the kid a bit roughly. But, rest of the journey, the father didn't sleep.

So, these characters did make my trip very amusing and interesting.
Oh yes the ticket checker, how could I forget him. Well, the ticket checker didn't come to collect his cash. Guess, he would have realised that he would get beaten up... :)

Mar 21, 2010

Conversation Series-Part-III

This is another funny incident!

After the intial round of 'talks' the meeting was fixed & both the families with the 'girl' & 'boy' in question meet at a neutral venue.

The 'boy' in question is doing very well for himself but as per him he is unattractive. Well, the guy had a dark complexion & is not the 'traditionally' good looking types.
As far as my views go, for me looks are immaterial.
Over the conversation, the guy spills the beans... He is looking to get married to ONLY a very fair, slim 'girl'..Reason, future gene pool....
My reaction, WHAT!
Why did you agree to meet because I am not that, ATALL!
Family pressure he says.

Well.... what can I say....Adious! & All the best!

Earlier Posts:
Part I
Part II

Mar 20, 2010

Driving Adventures - Part III

This incident happened more than a year back but is still very fresh in my mind!

The work day ends & I leave for home. Like always, there is traffic.... Heavy traffic.
On my way back I had to take a right turn from a signal under a flyover & then move on to go on another flyover.
So, I take the right turn and move further. The traffic is slow moving and then it stops. Something seems to have happened in my lane. I was in such a position that I could see the three cars ahead of me. We were at the beginning of the flyover. The first car had stopped & there were two cars behind it & then me. It soon got clear that the person driving the first car had recently learned driving and was unable to move the car ahead. He was on a point where the road was elevating & everytime he would try to move forward, due to the slant, the car would start moving backward & he would apply the brake. So, till this guy moved, we were stuck. The guy in the second car got down & went up to the first car & said something. What followed was something rare you see in a fast moving city.

The man in the second car asked the first car guy to slowly let his car come back till he touched the second guys car! Once that done, the first guy's car wouldnot run back and he could take his time to accelerate & move again.
Somebody letting a new driver hit your car is not an everyday event.
I developed high regard for the gentleman driving the second car.

The pile up resolved & we continued our respective journey. Further ahead I had to stop at another signal, take a right again & get on to a bridge. I was first in the line of waiting cars & as the signal changed, I moved ahead. Suddenly from nowhere a bike appeared & came right infront of my car. Thankfully, I have good reflex & I applied the brake just in time.
This behaviour irritated me & I accelerated to catch the bike. I managed to do that, cut infront of the bike & stopped. I got down from the car & gave a piece of my mind to the person on the bike.
The bike rider seemed to be in his own world & said, "Why are you so upset, nothing happened". This angered me and I told him that, since nothing happened today, was it ok to drive the way he did? I added that, if we would have had an accident, nothing would have happened to me, the car would have got damaged & I could get it repaired or bought a new vehicle. But, what about the biker himself? He could have injured himself badly or got killed. Would his family go to the market & buy a new guy?

The whole discussion in the middle of the road had lead to another pile up behind us. Just then I heard someone very politely say, "Excuse me ma'am, let it go, they will never learn". I turned around in my agitated state to give a piece of my mind to the defender of the biker.
It was the same gentleman who had helped the new driver earlier. My anger/irritation melted seeing him. I said, "I think you are right" & started moving back towards my car. Just then the biker spoke & apologised.
I was slightly taken aback. This man who was till a second ago fighting & arguing with me suddenly seem to have turned a new leaf!

It was, I believe, the effect of the gentleman. Some people are healers & maybe this gentleman was one of them.

I have travelled on the same route many times but never saw the gentleman again!

Earlier posts....
Driving Series:

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Mar 15, 2010

Driving Adventures - Part II

Another hectic day at work comes to an end! I step out of office & it's dark already. Its not too late but, it's a winter month so by 5.40 the sun has set already & traffic is at its 'peakest'!

As always, my music gives me company & keeps me cool through the maze of traffic. I come down the last flyover on my way & again, as always, instead of going upto the signal to take the left turn, I turn into the slip road. The slip road has few potholes but is still faster & traffic free.

The car infront of me seems to be reluctant to reach where it's suppose to but I am not in a mood to overtake it. The car's driver suddenly decides that he needs to take a left & does so. I am a bit taken aback by the sudden swaying of the car. My speed is very less so it was ok & I was at a safe distance. Some people, I think!

There is a car coming towards me from the opposite direction & the one behind it is desperate to overtake! I calculate that if the second car does decide to overtake, he would hit me head-on. So I move to my left slightly. Guess this was my mistake. The car which was desperate to overtake, overtakes & there is no place for me to move further left. The car hits! Thankfully not head on.. The car hits my car on the side starting from next to the headlight to the tail-light! My rear view mirror flies off & the door glass bursts on my face.... The car slows down but doesnot stop & then speeds away!

Fortunately, I am not hurt other than a slight throbbing on my right cheek due to the impact of the door glass breaking! I am filled with glass from head to toe. There is no point if I stop & get off my car. So, I drive home. Access the damage, feel bad & upset. But, what is done is done.

Driving the car next day morning is now a challenge! It's cold & I don't have a window! Anyhow I drive to work with Jacket, muffler & gloves on!
The mechanic is contacted & car repaired in few hours. Other than few thousand rupees, I did lose my confidence a notch.

It's all history now! I still wonder if the other car had stopped, what would I have done to the driver.. Hit, abuse, called the cops or made him/her pay up... Maybe, I would have just let him/her go!

Earlier posts....
Driving Series:

Mar 3, 2010

Fun with Colours....

I finally succumb to the voice in my mind...
I had thought that I would not write a post on Holi, as have had an overdose of holi through FB status update, sms, phone calls, etc etc...
But, my mind, has a mind of its own... It refused to let me think anything till this post was done. So, here I am with my Holi story.

This year, Holi was fun, after many years... It started 3 days early.

Friday was the last working day before holi, so we colleagues decided to wish each other with colours before going home. It all started very 'decently' with only tilak on forehead. But, the colours had it's effect on all of us & soon we were all coloured in various colours. We ended up playing holi & having fun for over 1 & 1/2 hours. Donot ask the reaction of my folks when I reached home.

Saturday morning was spent in removing the traces of the earlier evening's fun, unsuccessfully.

Sunday was Holika Dahan & in the morning we were invited to a 'Holi Milan' programme hosted by Chitragupt Samaj in Dwarka. The crowd there was very cordial & decent initially but with the splash of colours & music taking over, the laughter & 'holi hai' sound kept getting louder. Dancing with coloured faces all around was fun. By the time we reached back home it was late afternoon & I was very tired. Somehow managed to take my bath & slipped into sweet slumber, only to be woken up by mom to have my dinner.

Monday morning had my fill of liver for breakfast & walked out to play holi. A gathering was organised in the main lawn of our society. After wishing few Uncles, Aunties & my age group guys, headed to the lawn for another round of fun!
1st March is Dad's birthday, so came back, baked a cake & managed to take a bath at 7 in the evening!

It was a fun filled, exhausting yet relaxing weekend.

Feb 7, 2010

Driving Adventures - Part I

Driving adventures, another series that I intend to start as mentioned in my prelude post.

So here I am with Story - I

The everyday 'task' of driving to work & back can get quite boring & monotonous. Therefore, I like to spice it up with music & 'views' around me. So, like every other day I was humming to myself & stopped at a signal. Another car stopped right next to me & I looked straight into the smiling face of a cute looking guy.
I smiled back & his smiled broadened. The signal turned green, just then & I almost automatically zoomed on. I saw the cute guy right behind me & I soon realised that he was trying to overtake me.

I being myself, liked the challenge & ensured that I stayed ahead & kept eying him in my rear view mirror. At occasions, he did manage to come parallel to me and at such moments the smiles continued. Broader & brighter.

Soon, it seemed that he was giving up & I didn't want that to happen. So, I decided to go slow & let him overtake. The traffic was also heavy so it took him a while to get ahead. Infact for quite a while he kept driving parallel to my car with occasional exchanged glances. Then, his lane moved faster & he moved ahead of me for the first time. As soon as that happened, I almost shouted in frustration. Not because he overtook me, because he had a 'Baby on Board' sticker stuck at the back.!!!!
I changed lanes & got lost in the traffic. I saw him slowing his car but the traffic did not allow him to.

What a waste of time, I thought.
Later, I recounted the whole thing to a friend & she told me that I jumped to conclusion too soon. As per her, he could have been driving his brother's/friend's/relatives car, hence the sticker...

Aaarrrggg, I went. Lost opportunity??? I don't know...
But, wiser, definitely. Better luck to me next time....

Feb 5, 2010

Conversation Series-Part-II

This is in continuation of my earlier posts,( intro and Part I) where I'm recounting the type of people I & my parents met in the process of trying to find a 'suitable match' for me!

This story also starts through a matrimonial ad placed in a leading daily!
The contact details mentioned in the ad were used & contact established with the father of the guy in question. During the course of the discussion it was mutually agreed that on a designated date, I along with Dad would meet the guy & his parents in Bombay. The guy lived in Bombay & his parents were also reaching there around that time so it would be convenient for all.

So, tickets booked, travel details conveyed, address exchanged and agreed that the venue would be discussed & finalised on the date of meeting.
We landed in Bombay at my mausi's place & the phone was connected to discuss the plan of meeting. The phone at our end was kept in loudspeaker mode so that all can hear the conversation & give inputs on the venue & meeting time.

All almost finalised when the father of the guy comes out with a very very special 'requirement'. He conveyed to my Dad that, Dad should ensure that the girl (that's yours truly) NEEDS to be attired 'decently' when we meet. He goes on to add that 'decently' means either Salwar Kameez or Saree. Further, he added that the kameez/blouse should not be sleeveless.....

I almost jumped out of my chair with my temper gone beyond the roof! I gestured to my Dad to bang the phone down. He, obviously ended the conversation decently.

I absolutely refused to go. My take, who is he to dictate what I will wear. A prospective FIL, but only prospective. If this is the attitude now, what will happen if things move further. Moreover, he expects me/us to be artificial & made up to please their eyes... Then, what all would they be hiding/covering/camouflaging, I wondered.

Since, we had travelled all the way & were going to return the next day, Dad said that we should go & give them a benefit of doubt.
So, we reach, meet but my mind was closed by then.
Oh yes! I did mention to the guy that I had expected to see him in Kurta Payjama/Dhooti & not Jeans & T-Shirt....

Loved the expression on his face... Priceless.....
